Electricity maps

Since long time I have a link to the excellent electricity maps which give the carbon intensity (in gCO2eq/kWh) of electricity production. On the map there is now an supplementary information: it shows the trans-border flows to the neighboring country.

Here is the situation today 15 Dec 2022, at 18:00 local time:

Our ENOVOS national company always says that all their electricity is green; there seems to be some problem with colorblindness here!

We see that with the exception of the northern countries and Switzerland, which have huge hydroelectricity sources, France remains the unbeaten, but constantly unsung hero in low-carbon electricity. At this hour Germany was at 661g CO2eq/KWh, France at 124g CO2eq/KWh, importing 78MW “dirty” German electricity (but much more from Switzerland and Spain). At the moment of writing Switzerland exports to France (992MW), Germany (1.61GW) and Italy (390MW).

Watch this excellent site, and show it to your political people, if these are again hyping the German “Energiewende”.

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